About Us
(Extreme) Right Attitudes in (Post)migrant Communities
Not only are there (extreme) right-wing organizations and attitudes, structural and everyday racism in mainstream society, there are also (extreme) right-wing attitudes and movements in (post-) migrant communities in Germany. The best-known example are the so-called “Grey Wolves”, a Turkish nationalist group. Other (extreme) right-wing movements do exist within, for example, Russian-speaking, Serbian or Croatian communities. In many cases, the respective ideology is also enriched with fundamentalist, nationalist ideological interpretations especially of Christianity or Islam. There is also frequently common grounds with (extreme) right-wing movements in mainstream society.
(Extreme) right-wing, nationalist and ethnic attitudes and organisations in (post-) migrant communities are not only a threat to pluralistic society as a whole. Regime- and government critics, German politicians and minorities within migrant communities in Germany are particularly threatened. They report death threats, incitement and targeted bodily harm.
However, mainstream society often does not recognise this threat. Due to a lack of knowledge, the various non-majority German varieties of (extreme) right-wing thinking are more difficult to identify than right-wing extremism of German provenance and therefore are less visible. In public debates on the topic of “right-wing extremism”, too little attention has been paid to these variants of (extreme) right-wing attitudes.
In order to counteract this consistently and pedagogically in the long term, we are continuously developing and improving a concept for dissociation and exit work. This includes research on structures, people and discourses as well as the combination of science and practice, for example via expert exchanges between professionals and scientists. With these findings, we are developing pedagogical counselling and an exit support concept as well as various information and educational events in different formats, such as lectures, workshops, seminars or expert days. Further publications are planned. If you are interested in our services, please contact us to discuss your personal needs. Our services are free of charge, counselling is carried out according to the quality standards of the federal working group “Ausstieg zum Einstieg” e.V.
About Kurswechsel
Kurswechsel Hamburg is a project of the CJD e.V. based in Hamburg. It is funded within the framework of the federal programme “Demokratie leben! Aktiv gegen Rechtsextremismus, Gewalt und Menschenfeindlichkeit” (living democracy! Active against right-wing extremism, violence and misanthropy) by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, and by the Hamburg Social Welfare Department and, in part, by the Hamburg Justice Department as part of the state programme to promote democratic culture, prevent and combat right-wing extremism “Hamburg – City with Courage”.
Representatives of different professions and academic disciplines work at the CJD Hamburg; in Kurswechsel the team consists of psychologists, social scientists/humanities scholars and lawyers/criminologists, if necessary with or in training to become a systemic counsellor and with certified recognition in online counselling. The quality and effectiveness of the theoretically and empirically oriented work as well as the practical educational and counselling offers and the socio-pedagogical measures in the CJD Hamburg are guaranteed by an interdisciplinary working method as well as by the cooperation in networks on a local, regional, national and international level.
To ensure professional exchange and quality standards in particular, Kurswechsel is a member of various networks and cooperates with other counselling centres